Sunday, January 6, 2013

The First Week of 2013

So, this is 2013. I didn't write any resolution though I want a lot of good things to be happened this year. Anyway, I just moved to the new place: the capital city of the country. I have a job as a civil servant now. How was my first week at work? It was nice. All co-workers are great so far, I work in the field that I like then there is nothing to feel sad about.

Unless that I'm a little bit homesick. I really miss my home, my bed and everyone there. Sometimes I think if the capital city can be moved to my hometown. Whenever I feel this way, I remember about my purpose to come there for the first time. The reason why I applied and took this job. Perhaps when I find better place to stay in this big city, I will feel better. Let's put it in my 2013's wish list.

I think it's enough for today and I'm gonna share my days in this city later. Really hopes that it is going to be interesting to all of you.



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