Sunday, September 16, 2012

23 Wishes

Judul post blog kali ini sesuai dengan film abegeh: 16 Wishes. Well, I'm still a teenager ;)

But since I am twenty something today then I have 23 wishes instead of 16. What are they? I won't tell you the details but here is the resume:

1. Get closer to Allah
2. Get a good job that I love and this job must be the one I like that can make a contribution to my country soon
3. Still have complete family who loves me very much
4. Healthy
5. Happy
6. Good financial condition
7. Ideal weight
8. Meet the one
9. Get involved in charity to help other
10. Mastering in two more languages
11. Seeing someone who disappeared years ago
12. Add more books in my bookcases
13. New PC
14. New vehicle (can it be porsche? Well, impossible is nothing)
15. Adventure in other countries
16. New phone (it's emergency, actually)
17. Healthy Carlos (my notebook :p)
18. Get my home renovated
19. Being more independence
20. Have a good career
21. Be active in a non-profit ogranization
22. Making some new friends
23. Secret :p

Sooooo they are my wishes. When I blew up the candles hours ago, I wished them come true in my life. Actually I have some other wishes but those are top 23 wishes I have this year.

Later, I am going to share my birthday story but I think those wishes are enough for this post ;)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Last Day of Being 22

So, this is my last day (or hour?) of being 22. I'm gonna be 23.

How do I feel? Errrr I feel confused. I mean, I feel glad that I'm gonna celebrate my birthday but I feel sad for getting older. Hahaha

Anyway, since it is my 23rd birthday then I have 23 wishes. I haven't made any of them but I'm gonna make it later. I just hope that my life is going to be better than before :)